It's really easy too.
Ask your parents, grandparents, teachers, friends and neighbours to let the dandelions bloom.
Many people don't like dandelions and that's okay. Ask them if they could just wait until the flowers die, before they go to seed to cut them down with the lawn mover or to pull them out.
That way the bees would get some time to visit them.

Dandelions are one of the best spring flowers to bloom that offer lots of pollen for hungry bees. After winter the bees need lots of protein for their babies and dandelions offer the perfect food for bees.
And if you were hungry you could eat the leaves in your salad. And you can roast the roots. Some people even make wine from them.
The more you think about dandelions the more they seem like the perfect flower food for everybody.
Before we looked at the importance of pollen as a protein source for growing baby bees. So doing this one small thing--letting the dandelions bloom--will end up being a really big thing for bees.
I just know the bees want to say thank you for helping.
Bees, Bees Everywhere.
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