Bees like to keep their house (hive) clean.
There are bees inside that are assigned the job to clean.
These photos and video show bees cleaning outside the hive.
They use their tongues like brooms and they sweep back and forth.

There's a saying: Many hands make light work. It's true that when more people help out the job gets done much faster.
I guess the bees' saying would be that many tongues make light work.
They understand the power of working together to get big jobs done.
That's probably why your parents ask if you can help out to. It makes everyone's job easier.

See the bees sweeping with their tongues in the video below.
This is such a wonderful post and I love your video. We have grandkids and we have bees. This morning we brought home a new package with King David's Queen Abigail and their royal court . Their "castle" will be next door to Mary Queen of Scott's and her royal palace full of workers :-)
This is a delightful post and I love your video. We have grandkids & bees.
Betty: I'm glad you're enjoying having bees and reading my blog. I hope you have a honey of a spring and summer this year :)
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