[This is one of my honey bees, covered in pollen from golden rod flowers. They bloom in the fall. You'll often see them alongside highways, fields and the woods].

[Can you see the coloured pollen in these honeycomb cells? What colours do you see?]
How does pollen get its colour? From the flower. The next time you see flowers, look at the centers. What colour is the powdery pollen? Every flower has its own unique colour.

Even tiny flowers can have pollen.
Have you ever stuck your nose into a flower to sniff its perfume? I've done that and I got the yellow powder on my nose. That made me a little bit like a bee.
Have you ever stuck your nose into a flower to sniff its perfume? I've done that and I got the yellow powder on my nose. That made me a little bit like a bee.

Flowers have a special relationship with bees and they are reliant on the bees to help them to create their seeds.
Bees have a special relationship with flowers and they are reliant on the flower's pollen to use as food for their babies.
They need each other for their survival: The flower and the bee.
Here's how it works:
Each flower creates its own unique pollen. The pollen on one flower needs to be put into another flower.
But how can it get there? Flowers don't have legs to walk over and mix their pollin into another flower.

The bee will fly into a flower. As she digs down into it her fur will become coated with pollen. Her fur is specially designed to hold pollen.
Actually, when a bee flies, her body creates static electricity and that also helps the pollen to stick to her fur. (I'll tell you more about static electricity another time).

After that she's ready to fly home to drop off her packages. Then she'll go out and look for more flowers and more pollen.

Some people like to eat pollen as a health food or to help their allergies to flowers to be not so bad. Pollen is nutritious and it's full of vitamins. It tastes like flour with sugar added to it. No wonder the bees like it.
Some flowers don't need bees to mix their pollen for them. Plants like wheat that grows in the field (used to make your bread) are pollinated by the wind blowing.
Most flowering plants also offer Nectar to bees. I'll tell you about that next time.
Do you have a question about bees? If you do, you can leave a question in the comments section or you can contact me through my website: http://www.bee-magic.com/.
1 comment:
Dear Barbara Lindberg,bee life and prodacts very important,we learn new details everyday,also bee prodacts necessary all humans life.Bee prodacts gan wörth day by day,thank you for your nice sharing,I wish you succesuful your all jobs,best wishes and greetings.Stay well.
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